Last Stand II

199,5x129,5 cm, oil on canvas, 2020
Contact the artist for additional information.

The continuation of the last redoubt evokes both the idea of ​​persistence and pathos. This fact transforms the starting point, which becomes an autonomous work into a diptych, where the shield is installed like a cloud above the head, and later, a triptych, where the cloud looms in the form of a sack, like a burden. The name of the three film sequences casts an ironic note on the whole process. The last redoubt can no longer be the last one but rather a first form of resistance.  

Denumirea celor trei secvențe filmice aruncă o notă ironică asupra întregului demers. Ultima redută nu mai poate fi o ultima redută ci mai degrabă o primă formă de rezistență.


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